Article 16 A contractual joint venture shall, by presenting its business license, open a foreign exchange account with a bank or any other financial institution which is permitted by the exchange control authorities of the state to conduct transactions in foreign exchange. 第十六条合作企业应当凭营业执照在国家外汇管理机关允许经营外汇业务的银行或者其他金融机构开立外汇帐户。
Alan Ruskin, foreign exchange strategist at Deutsche Bank, notes that when equities have struggled recently the demand for the dollar as a haven has outweighed the selling pressure on the dollar when equities rise. 德意志银行(deutschebank)外汇策略师艾伦拉斯金(alanruskin)注意到,最近股市表现不佳时,市场对避险美元的需求,超过了股市看涨时,美元的抛售压力。
Approval by an authorized foreign exchange bank 经指定外汇银行认可
Then, in 1991, with India running out of foreign exchange, the World Bank forced it to abandon its controlled economy. 到1991年,随着印度用光外汇,世界银行(worldbank)便乘机迫使它放弃了指令经济模式。
All transactions of the Company's foreign exchange shall be handled through the Bank of China or other banks authorized by the State Administration of Exchange Control. 公司所有的外汇交易,应通过中国银行或国家外汇管理局授权的其他银行办理。
Appointed by the government as the main financial institution for handling foreign exchange transactions, Bank of China has paid less attention to the domestic retail market and so has built up a smaller branch network. 中行被政府指定为处理外汇交易的主要金融机构,对国内零售市场关注较少,打造的分支行网络因而也较小。
Experts say too much foreign exchange has forced the central bank to issue more renminbi, causing excessive liquidity in domestic financial markets. 专家评价,过多的国外交易,迫使央行不的不发行更多的人民币,导致过多的人民币在国内的货币市场流动。
He is asking the clerk at the Foreign Exchange Department of the Higashi Bank to cash it. 他正在要求东银行外汇部门的职员将这张支票兑现。
Asia's developing countries are risking a renewed economic crisis by intervening extensively in foreign exchange markets, the Asian Development Bank warned in its annual regional review on Tuesday. 亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)周二在其年度地区报告中警告称,亚洲发展中国家在外汇市场上的大规模干预,可能会导致经济危机再次爆发。
The writer is managing director of foreign exchange strategy at UBS Investment Bank 本文作者是瑞银外汇策略董事总经理
Personal purchase of foreign exchange refers to the purchase of foreign exchange from the bank by individual Chinese residents to meet expenses as approved by regulations. 个人购汇业务是指我国境内居民个人因指定范围用途而向银行申请购买外汇的业务。
Foreign Exchange Arbitrage is that the bank provides the form of managing finance affairs, avoiding the risk of the Exchange Rate and passing through arbitrage business for maintaining the original of the monetary purchasing power. 外汇宝业务是银行为客户提供的一种方便理财、避免汇率风险、通过套汇保值增值的投资方式。
He is asking the foreign exchange clerk at the Higashi Bank about remittances from London. 他正向东银行负责外汇的职员询问有关来自伦敦的汇款事宜。
China's foreign exchange reserves, which the central bank accumulates to limit the appreciation of the renminbi, are soaring. 中国外汇储备正在激增&为了限制人民币升值,中国央行积累了大量外汇储备。
If the certified accountant directly goes to the designated foreign exchange bank for inquiry, the bank shall make the reply on that exact day. 如果注册会计师直接到外汇指定银行询证,外汇指定银行应当在当日予以回复。
This market is going to grow in an exponential way, says Jens Scharff-Hansen, co-head of foreign exchange trading for Asia at Deutsche Bank. 德意志银行亚洲外汇交易部门联席负责人延斯沙夫-汉森(JensScharff-Hansen)表示:该市场将会成指数式增长。
Therefore, from the policy level, it's compulsory to quicken the renminbi interest rate market-orientation progress, changing ideas of foreign exchange derivative dealing supervision, establishing an efficient forward inter-bank foreign exchange market, developing the bank exchange rate risk offset channels; 因此,从政策层面上,应加快人民币利率市场化进程,转变外汇衍生交易监管思路,建立高效的银行间远期外汇市场,开辟银行汇率风险对冲渠道;
Therefore, the developing countries should reform financial system, call off controlling over interest rate, foreign exchange and bank to motivate full competition in financial market. 发展中国家应推行金融自由化的金融改革,取消对利率、外汇和银行的控制,促进金融市场的充分竞争。
Furthermore, in order to accelerate recapitalization, the reformers injected too much foreign exchange reserve into Stated-owned bank system, consequently expanding money supply and giving rise to the instability of the future economy. 而且,为了加速资本重定过程,改革者对国有银行注入大量外汇储备,这样做的结果造成货币供给膨胀并导致未来经济增长不稳定。
Our initial goal is to solve the problems of insufficient funds in China by introducing FDI. But at present, there are a lot of foreign exchange reserves and bank savings, our purpose and policy to attract investment funds also should be changed. 我国最初引进外资目的是用以弥补经济发展中资金不足的问题,但在目前我国存在大量的外汇储备和银行储蓄情况下,我国的引资目的和引资政策也随之改变。
In the foreign exchange market, the central bank gains the foreign exchange reserves through the purchase of the exchange rate. The process of central bank increasing foreign exchange reserves is actually the process of release of the base money. 在外汇市场上央行是通过购买外汇而形成外汇储备的,央行增加外汇储备的过程实际上就是释放基础货币的过程。
So we analyzed the independence of the Chinese monetary policy and the sterilization of foreign exchange by central bank under the open economy. 本章从实现经济内外均衡的角度,分析了开放经济下中国货币政策的独立性以及央行的外汇冲销操作。
In recent years, foreign exchange reserves, the face of a sharp increase caused by the increase of foreign exchange, the central bank began issuing central bank bills. 近些年来,面对外汇储备急剧增加而导致外汇占款的增加,央行开始大量发行央行票据。
The fourth part is the core part of the paper, used foreign exchange exposure analysis measures, analysis, compares foreign exchange risk of bank of China. 第四部分为文章的核心部分,主要运用外汇敞口分析法,对中国银行外汇风险进行测量、分析、比较。
In recent years, CPI of China has grown at an unacceptable speed, which is partly due to the undervalued RMB exchange rate and the large amount of foreign exchange reserve held by its central bank. 近年来,我国CPI迅速上涨,其中一个原因是人民币汇率低估、央行持有大量外汇储备。
Usually, international payments affect money supply by the following ways: the forms of fluctuation of price index and economic growth rate and money crisis, or the measures including foreign exchange intervention and sterilization by central bank directly and indirectly. 通常,国际收支活动对货币供给的影响是通过物价水平和经济增长的波动、货币危机的形态,以及中央银行的外汇干预和冲销操作直接或间接表现出来。